What to Expect

How to prepare for your Brazilian wax appointment

Important: Waxing cannot be performed under the following health conditions:

  • Diabetes or cancer
  • HSV2 (Genital Herpes)
  • If you have used Retin-A, Adapalene, Isotretinoin, Clindamycin, Tazarotene, Acitretin, Bexarotene,
  • Alitretinoin, Fluocinolone/Hydroquonine/Tretinoin in the last 6 weeks (applies to face waxing only)
  • If you’ve been on Accutane in the last 6 months, you cannot get any waxing service on any part of your body.
  • If you are currently undergoing any chemical peels, dermabrasion, facial surgery or laser
  • treatment, we need a doctor’s release
  • If you are currently using over-the-counter glycolic acids, salicylic acids, alpha hydroxy acids we cannot do any face waxing.
  • benzoic acids or benzoyl peroxide stop 72 hours before your hair removal service.
  • If you’ve had recent surgery near or in the area to be waxed, please bring a doctor’s release
  • If you’ve had sun exposure (including tanning beds) in the last 24 hours

Preparation Steps:

  1. If you've been shaving, stop shaving 2 and a half to 3 weeks before your appointment. Your hair needs to be about a minimum of 1/2" in length and lying down parallel to your skin. If it’s stubble, it’s too short. To get the day and time you want, please book 2 to 3 weeks in advance if possible.
  2. If you don’t shave at all and the hair is fully grown out, it's okay to use scissors to trim the area back to about an 1". DO NOT USE CLIPPERS! Most clients get their hair too short with clippers and we can’t wax them.
  3. The day before (not the day of) your Brazilian, please exfoliate the area to be waxed. Exfoliating gloves are fine to use. Sugar and salt scrubs are too abrasive. If you’ve worked out, you need at least a half hour for your skin to cool down before your wax appointment. We provide wipes to clean the area before waxing.
  4. High acidity in your body can make your skin more sensitive. Refrain from caffeine and alcohol at least 3 hours before your wax. Drink lots of water and if you have sensitive skin take an antacid about 1 hour before your wax. It can reduce the acid in your system, thus reducing your sensitivity.
  5. Take a pain reliever, acetaminophen is recommended over ibuprofen, one hour before your wax appointment to help ease discomfort.
  6. Do not tan 24 hours before your wax service. Also do not get a spray on tan as tanning products will come off with the wax.